Bioinformatics for Biologists: An introduction to Data Exploration, Statistics, and Reproducibility
Bioinformatics for Principal Investigators
ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq analysis
Data Science: Machine learning applications for life sciences
Ensembl REST API workshop
Exploring, visualising and analysing proteomics data in R
Extracting biological information from gene lists
Image analysis for biologists (3-day)
Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to metabolomics and its application in life-sciences
Introduction to scientific figure design
Molecular phylogenetics
Ontologies and ontology-based data analysis
Protein Structure Analysis
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Snakemake workshop
Transcriptome Analysis for Non-Model Organisms
Using CellProfiler and CellProfiler Analyst to analyse biological images
Variant Discovery with GATK4
Eligibility Criteria and Charging Policy
About the facility Overview
How to find us
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Welcome to Bioinformatics Training
In accordance with the UK Government and University of Cambridge guidance regarding in-person gatherings, training events will not be hosted at our Training Facility on the Downing site. However, our team is still scheduling as many online courses as possible and continue to provide access to live, high quality training via alternative online delivery methods. If you are already booked onto a course we will be in contact soon with further details. If you are interested in booking training over this period, please book or register your interest to any of our upcoming courses.
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We offer a broad range of undergraduate and postgraduate hands-on training courses focused on bioinformatics and computational biology. These training activities aim at enabling life scientists to effectively handle and interpret biological data.
We offer a portfolio of short, high quality practical courses in bioinformatics, ranging from basic skills to advanced data analysis.
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We are an approved training resource of ELIXIR-UK, the UK Node of the ELIXIR infrastructure, and active contributors to the ELIXIR Training platform.
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Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive emails about upcoming courses. We make regular announcements about the ongoing training plan.
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Courses providing an introduction to programming languages, statistics and best programming practices
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Courses focusing on how to get the most out of publicly available biological data and resources
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Courses covering analysis methodologies for a wide range of data types
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High Performance Computing at the University of Cambridge
Open access at the University of Cambridge
Bioinformatics training at EMBL-EBI
Bioinformatics training at the Babraham Institute
Bioinformatics training at GTPB
ELIXIR training portal
GOBLET training portal
Collection of high-throughput sequencing training materials
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